New Layout for Quad P's Blog

Hi guys. Maybe this blog was being so quiet lately. So, we decided to change the layout - simple and easy for those who read this blog using your smart phones, tablets, iPhone, iPad, Androids and etc. Like what Bakte describe this blog "Simplistic and Decent" maybe. :)

Actually we(blog admins) are quite sad because the number of our readers has drop drastically. We are very sorry and apologize for not providing exciting post for Quad P students(and also others who are not from Quad P) to read.

We hope our links; Blogspot; Flickr; YouTube; Makerohani's will be Hangat Macam Dulu, Macam Orang Rebut Air Milo Kotak Untuk Supper. :)

P/s: Attention

1) Main Page only show the thumbnails for the post.

2) Our others' links are located in any post.

3) List of post also located in any post. Do Follow our site. :)

Screenshot(PC ver.)

Screenshot (Phone ver.)

BONUS: We also update our Flickr page. Do visit~ Many new albums are added. Find your face.

v(^_^v)    _____     (v^_^)v


Kem Unit Beruniform & Jati Diri

Preface: We greatly apologize for the infrequent updates for the past 4-5 months. We hope you readers would bear with us and keep on anticipating news from us. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience(s) caused.

On the 20th - 22nd June, 2014, all of PERMATApintar students (i.e. Foundation 1, Level 1 and Level 2 students) went on a camping trip to Kempville Beach Resort, Kuantan Pahang. The main objective of this year's camp was to expose students to disasters and how to handle them. On the previous two days, there was a First Aid Workshop (Bengkel Pertolongan Cemas) as the students would be sitting for the First Aid exam on the last day of the camp to obtain a certificate in First Aid.

After an exhausting 6-hour journey to the campsite, the students set up their home (which was in the form of a really large canopy) for the next three days. This camp's Penghulu was Nur Azim while the Penghuluwati was Shaspreet. On the first night, a fellow fire department officer briefed us about disasters, sharing with us his experience in various near-death situations including the hair-raising Highland Tower tragedy. Next was a slot for Jati Diri, where the students played games which involved some focus, determination and a whole lot of wackiness.

On the next day, the morning session was filled with introduction to facilities that would've been used in the case of a real disaster. This would help prepare the students for the not-even-close-to-real-life-but-is-nevertheless-very-challenging disaster simulation. The five stations included the Command Support Group station, treatment station which consisted of an ambulance, medication and a really awesome tent made in Norway, radio amateur station where the students learned how the communication in a disaster looks like, the "make-up" station where fake wounds and bulging eyeballs looked real and the First Aid station.

Later in the afternoon: Code Red. This is when students were expected to apply each and every knowledge that they have gained earlier. Students were divided into six zones, each with different situations and challenges. The word chaotic doesn't begin to explain how things went in Code Red. There were screams and shouts everywhere and the rescuers were doing their best to help the injured. In the control unit, things were getting out of hand, what with the arrival of people from the Ministry and the communication interruption and whatnot. It may not be as close to any real-life disasters, but it was enough to let the students know how tough the job is. After hours, the simulation finally ended and everyone was safe and sound. The students successfully retrieved all victims despite the confusion(s) that had occurred.

A happy victim
After cleaning-up, the students were celebrated with some BBQ. Hooray! What would a camp be without BBQ, huh? It was an enjoyable night with music and games, now that the simulation was over.

On the last day of camp, just as expected, the students sat for the PC exam. The closing ceremony was held afterwards with the long-awaited prize-giving ceremony, for those who performed outstandingly during the simulation. Here are the winners:

Pelakon terbaik
Nurul Qistina Hashim
Nuraini Aguse
Abul Munzeer Mohd Isa

Pengarah Filem Terbaik
Nurain Nasuha Tajul Arafat

The students did a gotong-royong before leaving the campsite. We departed at around 1 p.m., stopping by at Teluk Cempedak before heading home. It was indeed a very great memory for all members of QuadP.



For the first time in 3 years of Quad P history, this school has finally participated in Olahraga MSSD. With Cikgu Wan as their dedicated mentor, these 32 students were trained almost every evening in events which include 200m, 800m, long jump and much more. Some of these students used to be athletes back in their previous school. The only difference is that they will now be representing Pusat PERMATApintar Negara.

This 4-day event was held at Stadium UKM which is not at all far from our school and was joined by a total of 69 schools in this district. The finale was marching from every participating schools. PERMATA did earn a Bronze medal by Al Waqifie (4K1) who participated in discus throw. The devotion and perseverance displayed by the all athletes are something to be proud of. All hail PERMATA!

Proud to be a QuadPian

Photo credits to Arif Anwar via facebook


Cultural Day

Finally, QuadP has its very own Cultural Day. With 6 cultures participating, this event aims to enlighten the students of various cultures both internationally and domestically. The 6 cultures include French, Korean, Japanese, Borneo, Punjabi and Arabians. Each of these cultures are required to set up a booth, do a performance and have a fashion show. Most cultures present famous cuisines while some others offer games or services like inai.

Instructors were also present during this festive event. It began with recitation of doa and singing of the three songs before the booth tour started. French featured the all-time favourite macaroons, Japanese with their miso soup, rice crackers and sushi, Korean with their Ramyeon, Borneo with their laksa Sarawak and mee kolok, Punjabi with their herbal tea and Arabians with their Nasi Arab.

Each culture wore clothes according to their respective customs. At around 10.30, everyone's attention was shifted to the stage for a variety performances before proceeding with a fashion show. Every student exhibited their spirit and knowledge in the culture that they represented amazingly.

Next, the event was continued with the Chinese New Year celebration. The moral students prepared an act that shows the true tradition of the Chinese. All in all, that day was splendid and everyone had a blast. The best part is that the event succeeded in bringing the whole school - seniors, juniors and college staffs - closer together.

Photo courtesy of facebook. Credits to the owner. 


Maulidur Rasul 1435H

6 Februari 2014 bersamaan dengan 6 Rabiulawal 1435H, Pusat PERMATApintar Negara telah menganjurkan Sambutan Maulidur Rasul peringkat sekolah. Sambutan tahun ini diadakan bersama-sama pelajar ASASIpintar pada waktu malam.

Jemputan khas pada malam itu ialah Dr. Zulkifli Mohammad al-Bakri, seorang penceramah terkenal tanah air. Beliau menyampaikan ceramah yang begitu dekat dengan hati para pelajar PERMATApintar iaitu sifat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang fatanah. Antara intipati ceramah beliau ialah hadith yang membuktikan kebijaksanaan Rasulullah serta kisah hidup Imam Syafie yang sememangnya terkenal sebagai seorang yang cerdik. Pada akhir sesi tersebut, jualan buku-buku yang dikarang oleh Dr. Zulkifli diadakan. Semoga semua pelajar mampu mengambil iktibar daripada penyampaian beliau dan seterusnya memasang azam untuk mengikut jejak langkah mereka yang memanfaatkan akal untuk berfikir.
Gambar Dr. Zulkifli yang diambil dari internet


Orientation Week

The 2014 Orientation week has come and gone, and now the Level 1 and Foundation 1 students are taking their first steps into a treacherous journey in PERMATApintar. 20th January marks the date of their arrival, and at night was their very first activity: LDK. Activities include walking clock, I am not alone and birthday circle.

The next four days were filled with team-building activities and a bit of an introduction of what they would face in the near future. They exchanged shoes to have a literal insight of the idiom "to be in somebody else's shoes", they built a tower using playing cards, they constructed a spaghetti+jelly+straw tower that could withstand the weight of 60++ transparency paper and they sang songs together. There was a community tree placed at the back of the multipurpose hall for them to paste anything positive.

All of the seniors helped out both directly and indirectly in making the week a memorable one. From Tuesday to Thursday, two classes performed their senamrobik for the evening aerobic session. In the morning, the seniors assisted their morning exercise. Oh, and this week would've gone well if it weren't for the assistance given by the teachers and counselors.

A closing ceremony was held on Friday, and this marks the end of the 2014 orientation week. This is a new beginning guys, not only for the juniors but the seniors as well. In a nutshell, it is up to you yourself to choose between being happy or sad at being a QuadP student. The most important thing is, we are one big family and we've got each other's backs.



A very special day indeed! After almost a whole month of anticipation, the Foundation 1 and Level 1 students of 2014 are finally here. Registration started as early as 8.30 a.m. and everyone is equally excited about their arrival. Looks of curiosity and eagerness can be clearly seen on their faces. The seniors even helped deliver their baggage up to their rooms. This is truly a new year to look forward to. Hopefully PERMATA will give birth to young, intelligent and successful students, both here and in the hereafter.

Assisting the juniors
Has the looks of a junior


K3 Movie Night

It's Saturday night, and you know what that means? 5K3 is having their very own movie night! Aimed to raise funds for their CADS voluntary project, they sell foods and beverages for all to enjoy during the movie-watching. They're offering domino's pizza, hot dogs and floats to name a few. It seems that the students are enjoying the night. Time to chillax B)

People are hungry