Saturday, September 21, 2013
If you look up in the sky tonight, you'll be able to see the full moon. A magnificent sight. The sky is clear, no cloud to obscure the moon. The night is nice and pleasant.
The mid-autumn festival, like the name suggests, is celebrated by the Chinese during mid-autumn. And since the only season we have here in Malaysia is fruit season, we can define mid-autumn festival as a mooncake festival held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, during a full moon, which is in September or early October.
QuadP students don't want to miss out on this meaningful event. Lots of students signed up and by 9.30, all of them gathered at the multi-purpose hall. The event started with a video on Mid-Autumn festival. "Whenever they are far away from loved ones, they would often look at the full moon and think of those they miss". Although there were a bit technical difficulties, everyone remained patient.
Next stop: riddles. In order to own the cute cartoon lanterns, one must come up front and answer a corresponding riddle. Congrats to those who managed to run up on stage and shout the right answer out.
The main attraction of the whole event: mooncake-eating. That's right, there was a variety of different-flavoured mooncakes, ranging from the infamous lotus to the bizarre mixed-nuts thingy.
The second attraction: walking around with lanterns. Yes, the ones who did not get the chance to answer the riddle still obtained one lantern each. After fixing the candle inside the lantern, we started our night-walk. "We don't want anyone burning their lanterns," they say, but look at how many people ended up with toasted lanterns. It was a bit funny if you ask me. Can't help but giggle at lanterns on fire.
We strolled till we reach the lot beside boys' hostel. That's where students started taking out their phones and cameras to take photos. It was a very breathtaking: all the lanterns illuminating colourful light in the otherwise dark place. And more burning lanterns.
Then, we went back to the hall, ready for more: games.
Thanks guys for spending your time reading this post~
Hari Malaysia UKM
Thursday, September 19, 2013
After less than one week of practice, the time has finally come for PERMATApintar's marching team to show their true potential. Unlike the two previous years of participation, this year, PERMATApintar is officially in the competition as one independent college. This entirely means that we'll be able to compete for top three rankings. Bringing the spirit of last year's batch - which achieved the Anugerah Khas Juri for their spectacular performance - we aimed higher.
Ribena kids holding their rifles
On the night before the competition, each and every one of us sacrificed our sleep to help out with the props. Everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives, making cute rifles out of cardboard boxes, cutting out strips of "Japanese headbands" and best of all, getting Pelaka on their hands (and on the tables. sorry about that.) They all looked very thrilled for the big event tomorrow. Although tiredness can be vividly seen on their faces, they still gave full commitment.
On the day of the event, the students gathered and had an early dinner (around 6 o'clock) before they boarded the bus to the Dataran. That place brought back memories to some students, when they stayed at Kolej Keris Mas during PPCS and went to Pusat Pengajian Siswazah for class *flashback*.
After Maghrib azan, most of us walked to Keris Mas for prayer since the Dataran offers a very inconvenient "surau". Again with the nostalgia of PPCS 2011. Remember the time when the participants of the 2011 camp weren't allowed to go to the kedai runcit except for weekends? Well, there's no such rule anymore. *"in your face" face*
At around 8 p.m. we were all set to get in line for marching. To our left and to our right, we can see such colourful and professional costumes. We received some skeptical looks from those around us. There were eyes prying, mouths whispering, hands gesturing, hands clapping, heads nodding. (okay maybe I exaggerated a bit). There were a bit of cheers from the other colleges as we walked past them. Whether they were really cheering or were actually mocking, we weren't sure. But let's think positive. Probably they were really impressed by our cardboard rifles (I mean, they didn't think of that did they?)
Level 2 students were there too. They gave us support and a sense of security. Achmad Bakhtiar gave his final words of motivation; and we're on. We had to wait for our turn for more than an hour since we're the last team. Again with the disparaging words from the elder ones. "Pasukan terakhir ni bawa senjata jugak. Hati-hati," Since we're practicing husnudson (bersangka baik), let's just say that the cardboard rifles are just way too convincing.
Oh yeah, there was this one college, the one who reenacted the situation in Lahad Datu, used rifles that look so real and sound effects that made the audience startle. Cardboard rifles are still the best though. Real objects are just too mainstream.
PERMATA's contingent
The 12th and last team: PERMATApintar. There, in the middle of the spotlight, under the clear, moon-lit sky, we were ready for our performance. Divided into two - Japanese colonizers and Citizens - we faced the audience with pride and confidence. We presented just like we practiced, although the music seemed to be a bit off. All in all, we did a really fantastic job.
Next was a speech from UKM's very own chancellor. PERMATApintar was mentioned quite a number of times, which made us look somewhat special. A musical performance came next. There were these colourful costumes (which reminded us of clowns), loud music (so loud that we could feel the vibration), and cool dance moves. We all enjoyed it.
The festivities
And now, the moment we have all been waiting for - prize-giving ceremony *drum roll*. They saved the marching award for the last. Anugerah juri dimenangi oleh.. Kolej.. Ibu Zain... Third, second and first place goes to Kolej Aminuddin Baki, Kolej Keris Mas and Kolej Tun Said Nasir respectively. There was a faint air of despair, but who cares. We had fun, and that makes us winners no matter what.
Before the ceremony came to and end, there was another musical performance. And this time, all of us joined in. We sang like we never sung before, we danced like there's no tomorrow, we jumped, we screamed, we partied. It was a night to remember forever, because we seldom get this in PERMATA. We took selfies, became photobombs, and took class photos until we could take it no more. Oh, and Cg Mohd Nor was there to add in the fun.
No words can express our joy
Finally, at around 11 p.m. we boarded the bus with our supper, ready to go back to our beloved Kolej PERMATA. Fatigue overpowered us, but we still kept the smile on our faces.
In my personal point of view, winning isn't everything. It's the pleasure and bonding that we experienced that matters the most. I feel very glad that I decided to join this marching team. I wouldn't deny that probably the other grown ups thought that our performance was a bit childish, but that's just who we are. We're children and we're young (at least younger than them). I felt something that I haven't felt much since I got here: the feeling of carefree. I guess most, if not all, of us felt that way. We totally forgot about school, about class, about homeworks, about assignments. We could rarely, if ever, get the chance to fool around and have the time of our lives because most of the time, we are haunted with tonnes of coursework. Although extremely exhausted due to this event (not to mention the unfinished assignments), I could get the sense that I am who I am. I'm just a kid :)
p/s: Thanks to everyone. Sorry if this post gets a little too emotional, because I am filled with emotions right now :)
And now, the event that everyone has been waiting for. Bringing instructors, high school students and ASASI students (not forgetting the Dining Hall people) together. It in none other than.. *drum roll* MERDEKAraya+guru (a big round of applause there).
The program started at around 12 with an opening speech from the ASASI representative and our very own Achmad Bakhtiar and Nabila Syuhada. Dr Melor Md Yunus (not Mohd Nor okay *troll face*) also gave a speech. Next is a video presentation from our fellow Multimedia and Publicity Exco members. As you guys might have noticed, the video does seem kinda vague. But if you think you missed out on it, don't fret.
Food was served and performances were performed (okay that sentence sounds weird). First off, sayembara puisi dan lagu (which astounded the audience with their patriotic-filled puisi and their somewhat scary music). Next, band from ASASI students, which seemed more of a band+choir thing. No matter, the instructors and students loved it.
While watching, the students enjoyed a meal of nasi impit, kuah kacang, rendang, lamb, chicken and oh this is making me drool again. The meal was exquisite. Yeah, it's not like we can experience this all day, so enjoy it while it lasts.
After that, a performance from 4K6, a sequel from their previous act during the Jati Diri session. It starts with a conflict - Izzat has cheated on his wife Alya and divorced her *sob sob* - and ends with a truce. What a happy ending huh? The next group to grab the spotlight is the band group. Jyeah. Patriotism and Rayaism is in the air.
Le kugiran
Last but not least, a performance from the bebas team (named bebas because they are not tied to any particular division). A pentomen of the differences between raya in the olden days and modern days. The act started and ended with a song. This team was actually subdivided into three i.e. narrators, actors and singer (Singer, menawan keluarga bahagia).
Baju matching
Before the event ended, there was a lucky draw. Those who are lucky enough walked away with bag of Famous Amos and those with a bit less luck just waited for their number to be called out but ended up in despair *sigh*. But who cares though. We all had fun right? Oh, and the winner of "guess the number of mentos mint sweets in a jar" goes to Syazwi from ASASI (apologies if we got the name wrong) who guessed 267 when the real amount is 268. He must have some kind of magic.
Well, the ceremony has come to an end. We hope you love it. Andai kata ada tersilap kata, terkasar bahasa, kami menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun kepada anda semua. Akhir kata, Selamat Hari MerdekaRayaGuru 2013. Terima kasih cikgu!
For more photos, click here.
Videos coming soon :3
As usual, Friday means a Jati Diri activity in the afternoon, but this is no ordinary Jati Diri. Today, the ASASI students are have come to add in the excitement. Consisting of 11 checkpoints, this explorace is aimed to create and hopefully strengthen the bond between ASASI and Level 1 students of the PERMATApintar Educational Program. Unfortunately, Level 2 students were unable to join us because of their SPM trials. It'll sure be more fun with you guys, though. :)
Participants gathered in seminar room 2 before being released at approximately 3.15 p.m.
Checkpoint 1
Location: Bilik Muzik Activity: Lagu Anak PERMATA
Checkpoint 4
Location: Sebelah Aspuri Activity: Gula-gula dalam tepung
Checkpoint 5
Location: Kafe Activity: Pindah guli guna chopstick
Checkpoint 6
Location: Kelas ASASI 3&4
Activity: Blanket
Checkpoint 7
Location: Belakang surau Activity: Break-the-link
Checkpoint 8
Location: Gazebo lelaki Activity: Bola ping pong
Checkpoint 9
Location: Tangki air Activity: Basketball
Checkpoint 10
Location: Foyer
Activity: Join the distance
What was really funny was the clue to the next checkpoint made almost everyone think it was the computer lab when in fact it was actually the library (so most teams had to run back and forth. but that was the whole point of having and explorace right?)
Checkpoint 11
Location: Library
Activity: Hunt
When the all the teams finally finished the race, one member from each team sent a representative to voice out the lessons learnt from this activity. All were positive and heart-warming, some even hilarious. At the end of the day, the participants were very happy. They got to know their fellow "brothers and sisters from another world", which now seems much closer than it used to be. After much flour wasted on people's faces, the event finally came to an end. Looking forward to similar activities in the future.
For photos, feel free to go to this link: [click here]
PERMATApintar students are preoccupied in tomorrow's MerdekaRaya celebration
"Rasa macam buat persiapan untuk anak yang nak kahwin," says Khairul Ain.
Yes, everyone is excited. The level 1 students are ready for their performances that will (hopefully) wow the audience. The Dining Hall has been completely transformed, with raya packets and ketupats on the walls. Raya is in the air huh. The level 2 students did not miss out on lending a helping hand. They too assisted in the DM decor.
The table numbers
kuih :D
sound check
Surely their absence for a fraction of the celebration tomorrow would be a lost. But we all look forward to a grand ceremony. Lots of surprises await those who are keen enough to notice. Till then, have a great Sunday night.
Memandangkan soalan ini sering ditanya di laman Makerohani, maka mungkin ramai yang berminat untuk membacanya (Mungkinlah). Baiklah, soalannya: Apa yang kita patut lakukan sekiranya suka pada seseorang?
Jawapan yang diberikan oleh pihak Makerohani:
Bergantung kepada status anda. Jika anda seorang pelajar yang masih jauh dari gerbang perkahwinan, jawapannya, sila simpan perasaan anda. Tidak semua perkara yang kita ada boleh dilakukan sewenang-wenangnya. Contohnya perasaan cinta yang kita ada terhadap seseorang. Tidak wajar dan mesti dielakkan untuk seorang Muslim yang masih tidak kenal erti cinta sejati untuk meluahkan perasaan kepada Muslim yang berlawanan jenis.
Lebih-lebih lagi yang memang tidak akan berkahwin dalam masa terdekat. Saya juga seorang pelajar dan saya memang mengaku yang saya ada menyimpan perasaan terhadap seseorang. Namun, perasaan itu dilarang untuk diluahkan atas suruhan Allah yang melarang kita mendekati zina.
“Dan janganlah kalian mendekati zina; Sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. dan suatu jalan yang buruk.” (Al-Israa’: 32)
Daripada Kalam Allah itu sudah jelas bahawa bukan shaja zina itu dilarang, malah mendekatinya juga dilarang. Dilarang di sini juga bermaksud haram dan berdosa besar bagi pendapat jumhur ulama'. Mengenai perlunya cari jodoh untuk berkahwin, memang benar kita perlu berusaha. Walaupun demikian, perlu lihat status diri kita ini dahulu. kalau kita sememangnya dah bertekad hendak berkahwin, sudah mempunyai sumber pendapatan untuk nafkah, barulah boleh kita mencari jodoh. Di sini lah Islam menggariskan beberapa adab dan tatacara untuk mencari jodoh kita. Masa ini jugalah masa untuk meluahkan perasaan, dengan berterus terang atau berbahasa gramatis, melalui wakil atau melalui diri sendiri. Semasa peringkat ini juga, perlu diingat untuk berjumpa di tempat yang sesuai, seperti di rumah orang yang hendak dkahwini, atau melalui laman sosial dan sebagainya. Contohilah Rasulullah dan sahabat dalam hal-hal sebegini. Ambil ikitbar daripada kisah dibawah: Ali bin Abi Thalib dan Fatimah Az-Zahra Cinta Ali dan Fatimah luar biasa indah, terjaga kerahasiaanya dalam sikap, ekspresi, dan kata, hingga akhirnya Allah menyatukan mereka dalam suatu pernikahan. Konon saking rahasianya, setan saja tidak tahu menahu soal cinta di antara mereka. Subhanallah. Ali terpesona pada Fatimah sejak lama, disebabkan oleh kesantunan, ibadah, kecekatan kerja, dan paras putri kesayangan Rasulullah Saw. itu. Ia pernah tertohok dua kali saat Abu Bakar dan Umar ibn Khattab melamar Fatimah sementara dirinya belum siap untuk melakukannya. Namun kesabarannya berbuah manis,lamaran kedua orang sahabat yang tak diragukan lagi kesholehannya tersebut ternyata ditolak Rasulullah Saw. Akhirnya Ali memberanikan diri. Dan ternyata lamarannya kepada Fatimah yang hanya bermodal baju besi diterima. Di sisi lain, Fatimah ternyata telah memendam cintanya kepada Ali sejak lama. Dalam suatu riwayat dikisahkan bahwa suatu hari setelah kedua menikah, Fatimah berkata kepada Ali: “Maafkan aku, karena sebelum menikah denganmu. Aku pernah satu kali merasakan jatuh cinta pada seorang pemuda dan aku ingin menikah dengannya”. Ali pun bertanya mengapa ia tetap mau menikah dengannya, dan apakah Fatimah menyesal menikah dengannya. Sambil tersenyum Fathimah menjawab, “Pemuda itu adalah dirimu” Alangkah indahnya kisah cinta tersebut. Memang mungkin kadang-kadang sukar untuk membuang perasaan sedemikian rupa. Akan tetapi, kita sendiri ada kuasa untuk mengawalnya. Bak kata pepatah, "hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih". Sekiranya kita memang ingin melaksanakan sesuatu, maka tiada apa yang dapat menghalangnya, melainkan azam yang tidak kuat. Peace
Bored? Simply wasting time by staring off into space? Wanna have some fun? If your answer is YES to all the questions, then you should try these out! (No preparations required)
Try to not think about penguins
This can be really hard because by trying too much, remember about it. And by not trying at all, you'll end up thinking about it anyway.
Try to lick your elbow
You know when they say that you can't lick your elbow? Well actually you can! If you try hard enough of course (and do a tongue surgery to make it longer)
Try to say the letter "m" without your lips touching
Once again this is all about believing in what you can do. Remember the slogan "Nothing is Impossible"?
Pinch yourself
What is pain? Why is it unpleasant? There's nothing physical about it - it's all in your mind. Plus, after pinching yourself for awhile, boredom will seem nice next to being in pain.
Tanggal 31 Ogos.. Detik bersejarah bagi seluruh bumi Malaysia. Dan warga Quad P tidak melepaskan peluang untuk bersama-sama memeriahkan malam tersebut. Bertempat di hadapan dewan makan, countdown Merdeka diadakan dengan penuh sederhana. Tepat pukul 12 malam, 31 Ogos 2013, laungan "Merdeka" dilakukan sebanya 7 kali bagi memperingati peristiwa kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu 56 tahun yang lalu.
Selepas itu, Achmad Bakhtiar selaku Presiden MPP memberi sedikit kata-kata semangat kepada warga QuadP yang hadir. Kita harus sentiasa bersyukur dan berbangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia serta terus berusaha untuk memajukannya kerana remaja hari ini (iaitu kita) merupakan pemimpin hari esok. Sebelum majlis bersurai, terdapat bacaan doa daripada saudara Haziq. Terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir.
Sudah tiba masanya untuk para pelajar Aliran Pecutan untuk menduduki ujian lisan. Ujian yang mengambil masa selama lebih kurang empat jam itu merupakan sebahagian daripada komponen SPM. Para pelajar Aliran Pecutan harus menghadapi soal jawab bersama Cikgu Mior sebelum melakukan pengucapan awam di hadapan kelas. Semuanya berjalan dengan baik.. (kot)
Pelajar tekun mendengar. Cikgu setia menilai
Reaksi para pelajar
Dalam kulit kacang, semuanya berjalan lancar dan setiap pelajar menerima markah penuh.
*Pelajar Fast-Track merupakan pelajar yang dipendekkan tempoh pengajiannya di Pusat PERMATApintar Negara