Cultural Day

Finally, QuadP has its very own Cultural Day. With 6 cultures participating, this event aims to enlighten the students of various cultures both internationally and domestically. The 6 cultures include French, Korean, Japanese, Borneo, Punjabi and Arabians. Each of these cultures are required to set up a booth, do a performance and have a fashion show. Most cultures present famous cuisines while some others offer games or services like inai.

Instructors were also present during this festive event. It began with recitation of doa and singing of the three songs before the booth tour started. French featured the all-time favourite macaroons, Japanese with their miso soup, rice crackers and sushi, Korean with their Ramyeon, Borneo with their laksa Sarawak and mee kolok, Punjabi with their herbal tea and Arabians with their Nasi Arab.

Each culture wore clothes according to their respective customs. At around 10.30, everyone's attention was shifted to the stage for a variety performances before proceeding with a fashion show. Every student exhibited their spirit and knowledge in the culture that they represented amazingly.

Next, the event was continued with the Chinese New Year celebration. The moral students prepared an act that shows the true tradition of the Chinese. All in all, that day was splendid and everyone had a blast. The best part is that the event succeeded in bringing the whole school - seniors, juniors and college staffs - closer together.

Photo courtesy of facebook. Credits to the owner. 


Maulidur Rasul 1435H

6 Februari 2014 bersamaan dengan 6 Rabiulawal 1435H, Pusat PERMATApintar Negara telah menganjurkan Sambutan Maulidur Rasul peringkat sekolah. Sambutan tahun ini diadakan bersama-sama pelajar ASASIpintar pada waktu malam.

Jemputan khas pada malam itu ialah Dr. Zulkifli Mohammad al-Bakri, seorang penceramah terkenal tanah air. Beliau menyampaikan ceramah yang begitu dekat dengan hati para pelajar PERMATApintar iaitu sifat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang fatanah. Antara intipati ceramah beliau ialah hadith yang membuktikan kebijaksanaan Rasulullah serta kisah hidup Imam Syafie yang sememangnya terkenal sebagai seorang yang cerdik. Pada akhir sesi tersebut, jualan buku-buku yang dikarang oleh Dr. Zulkifli diadakan. Semoga semua pelajar mampu mengambil iktibar daripada penyampaian beliau dan seterusnya memasang azam untuk mengikut jejak langkah mereka yang memanfaatkan akal untuk berfikir.
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